A Christian Ethic
We have built a Church in the village which has brought the people closer, so locals can share in fellowship together. All the village workers finish at 2pm on Wednesday so that they can partake in Bible study on this day.
Often, the villagers start praying on Friday evening and end up after the Sunday service, baptising those who have received the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour.
Giving our children a Bible-based training and education inculcates godly principles for daily living and gives the children a holistic foundation to build their lives on.
This Christian ethic is also the way we run the school and permeates every aspect of school life, whether it’s the way we greet people or respect our elders.
The Kazingizi church is run on an ‘all inclusive basis’, where the children partake in all the church activities and have an active role in the spiritual community.