Growing hope for the future

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About us

Friends of Tariro is an organisation which was set up in April 2005 by Rudi Gray. She was born and brought up in the Kazingizi village in Mutoko, 90 miles east of Harare, Zimbabwe. She has been moved to provide spiritual aid and assistance to the widows and orphans of this region during these difficult times.

Rudi came to reside in the UK in 1985 and became a Christian in 1991. The Lord laid on her heart the need to help the people who she left behind including her brother KK who she prayed for earnestly asking for him to be moved to come to Christ.

In 2005 a physical Church building was erected courtesy of a generous well-wisher and God’s grace of course.

At the same time Rudi lost her sister to the Aids epidemic which has caused so much devastation in Zimbabwe and the continent of Africa as a whole. She left 3 beautiful Children behind, so Rudi decided to build a house to provide shelter for her nieces. It soon became apparent that her sister was one of many who had left behind orphans through no fault of their own – the need was staring her in the face.

The house which Rudi built for her sister’s children soon became over-crowded, so she was convinced and moved to build a bigger property in 2014 as the need arose.

We are on a mission to ensure orphans and widows who suffer from the most extreme poverty are as happy and content as any other people in the world, enjoying a life that sets them up for a fulfilling future because we believe everyone deserves this.

James 1:27


Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.